
Cool Stories and Zombie Ideas

Cool Stories and Zombie Ideas

Every now and then a new concept spreads like wildfire and is soon adopted at scale by organisations and professionals within a given domain. This is a scenario that seems to be especially prevalent within professional sport and the performance sciences in general. Initially early adopters are drawn in by an appealing message and a story that they find compelling. As the idea gathers steam, the growing uptake seems as much motivated by anxiety and the sense that ‘everybody else seems to be into this, so perhaps I should be too’. In due course the concept becomes firmly established and its legitimacy is widely accepted. For those caught up by this wave (or mown down by it) this all seems to occur with dizzying speed. All of this speaks to the captivating effects of ideas and the power of narratives. It also begs the question how might we avoid being taken captive and resist being swept up by the tide. Even once the wave has subsided, these events leave in their wake a detritus of zombie ideas that we as leaders, coaches and practitioners must navigate thereafter.

What You See Is Not All There Is

What You See Is Not All There Is

To explain the title, one of the most common cognitive biases in how we see the world is encapsulated as ‘what you see is all there is’. In other words, we have a tendency to overlook what is not immediately visible or obvious. We tend to assume that what we see in full view constitutes the only aspects at play. We are slow to consider that there might be additional unseen factors at work that might lead us to an alternative explanation for what we are seeing. In most circumstances we are dealing with incomplete information and there is always some degree of uncertainty and ambiguity involved in human performance. These are not bugs in the system that must be fixed, but rather features that we need to learn to navigate.

Honing Professional Judgement and Decision-Making

Honing Professional Judgement and Decision-Making

Coaching is characterised as a judgement and decision making process. Practitioners and indeed most professionals who work in human performance are de facto coaches of humans. As such, the quest that unites coaches in different sports and practitioners across disciplines is to develop our professional judgement and our ability to make better choices and decisions over time. There is no endpoint to this journey and so the need to continually hone our judgement and decision making applies irrespective of what stage we are might be at in our career. That said, the question of how we best develop these skills for practitioners at the start of their career versus catering for these aspects in continuing professional development thereafter will likely require different solutions.

Beyond the Bubble: The Utility of a Neutral Third Party

Beyond the Bubble: The Utility of a Neutral Third Party

One of the problems with our natural preference for those who think as we do is the tendency to find ourselves in an echo chamber. Leaders can of course combat this by recruiting for cognitive diversity, but even within a diverse group our thinking inevitably tends to become socialised as a natural consequence of spending time in the company of the same group of people. Our colleagues will also to some degree share the same biases and are subject to the conventions that are inherent to the sport. Professional sport in particular is a bubble - at present quite literally, but even under usual circumstances. It follows that it is important that we escape the bubble periodically. A related countermeasure is to strategically enlist a neutral third party to break up the usual routine and expose team members to perspectives from outside the bubble at regular intervals. Engaging with an outsider can serve a performance staff in a number of different ways as we will explore.

Battling Hubris: The Perils of Success

Battling Hubris: The Perils of Success

Ascending to the top is a major accomplishment in any domain. But it could be argued that it is here that the greatest challenge begins. A number of teams have won the championship, but only a very small fraction are able to back up this success. Something about reaching the summit makes it less likely that those individuals will repeat the feat thereafter. Aside from the added motivation for opponents eager to knock the champions off their perch, the experience of success in itself serves to undermine our efforts and reduces the odds of subsequent success. With this post we take a deep dive into the paradoxical effects of success, identify what factors what should be vigilant for, and explore some potential countermeasures to increase our odds of sustaining success.